16 Beat styles for Korg Pax4

Original price was: 35,00 €.Current price is: 9,99 €.Add to cart

8 completely new and revised styles in a context of very dynamic and aggressive sounds that make the keyboard much, much more powerful and different from how it was conceived by the Korg programmers.

8 Stili completamente nuovi e rivisti in un contesto di suoni molto dinamici e aggressivi che rendono la tastiera molto ma molto piú potente e differente da come é stata concepita dai programmatori della Korg.


Styles description.

  1. Style : 8 Beat rock
  2. Style : Ritim & Blues
  3. Style : Wav Rock
TT Turbo
TT Turbo
TT Turbo
Anno Domini Beats Arms Dealer
Anno Domini Beats Arms Dealer